ALERT!!! This is How the Mass Bird Death Happened - The New Madrid Fault may produce MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE soon! This one combines two unexplained variables I couldn't define: A gaseous or chemical (or influenza strain) release would effect a wider range of species, and the sudden-ness of the kill, and resulting physical trauma to the birds. The poster explains..
Birds are very sensitive to electrostatic charges. A simple thunder cloud will irritate a bird severely. This is why birds fly low to the ground just before a storm, to avoid the very uncomfortable charges in the air.
In Arkansas there is one of the Worlds Largest Quartz deposits underground. Quartz is piezoelectric which means a charge develops over the surface of the quartz when pressure is applied to the crystal. The charge is millions of volts but it happens so fast its nearly harmless to people on a small scale. This is how some lighters work. A hammer hits a quartz device releasing a spark.
Anyways, the recent earthquake has placed new pressures on the quartz deposits in Arkansas. This results in a massive discharge of billions of volts of electricity. Think how a small piece of quartz the size of a pea can light a lighter. Now think about millions of Tons of quartz discharging under the extreme pressures the Earth can push.
At some point, the charges below created a brief surface charge, positive charge, during a discharge event. The electrostatic charge is immense and knocks the birds out cold in flight. The birds are still alive though, just knocked unconscious. The birds that were flying high were the ones killed upon impact. Blunt force trauma. The birds that were in the trees survived. Some birds like to fly high, others fly low. This explains why it was species specific as the birds that flew high were the ones to die.
The poster theorizes that this quartz sparking action means there will be a large earthquake event along the New Madrid Seismic Zone sooner rather than later. As I write this, I am located within what would be the effected area, so I hope not. But I will be buying some extra water in the next few days, just in case..
Edit: I must clarify.. When I said wider range of species, I am making the assumption the original poster assumed the fish and bird kill were unrelated(although it doesn't fully rule out an event relationship), as other types of birds were seemingly unaffected. This continues to develop..
Embalmer arrested for cutting of sex offender's tallywacker. I'm willing to
bet there's more to the story here [Strange]
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35 minutes ago
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