We are just two weeks away from completion of the information flood/Tipping Point forecast by the webbots for the period of November 14, 2010, to January 17th, and to me, it certainly feels like the world is changing.. Yes, no one event has emotionally "blown us all away," but the pace and intensity of events certainly feel like something Major could happen at any moment, from any number of directions, including off planet occurrences.. Excerpts from Clif's latest article.. Parentheses Clif, bolded and colored emphasis me..
In the data sub set that forecast the [logical frank] meme also provides
for our next 'hot date' of January 7th and suggests that 3/three separate
memes will express on that day with some escalation of the release
language already involved; these 3/three are [economic], [terra
(intrusions on human activity)], and [alien wars]. This last is the larger
context extracted from the SpaceGoatFarts entity {ed note: the data sub
set within our work where we put all the [officially denied], [totally
unknown], and [suspected unknowns] that we encounter.} and is
specifically, on this day of the 7th of January, referring to [future
(reality) emergence]. This is to say that whatever 'events' or occurrence
that universe manifests in this archetype on that day will have the msm
(mainstream media - also known as = propaganda press) using future
tense words relative to the meme. Though note that these expressions
may not be on that day, but over this next (upcoming) week.
It is the [great global awakening] that will define the underlying
emotional 'tone' of this year, 2011. From our work, the data seems to be
forecasting 2011 as a year of some significance, that is to say, a year of
recognized, and fundamental, change. The nature of the language
forecasting fundamental change comes from old sub sets that emerged in
the data some years back under the archetype of [monumental]. Now
note that this word, 'monumental' is always representing a past-looking
view...in other words, the view from the point of view of those humans
in the future who will look back and be so damned amazed by what
will manifest, that they will build 'monuments' to us poor bastards about
to 'live through' those events. Make sense? Clear as dark roast at the
bottom of a cuppa? So for us poor bastards, we will look at the times,
while living through them, as being [epic] rather than [monumental].
Descriptors aside, it is just the same linguistic tone, viewed from
differing perspectives in the ever present now.(The last bold is Clif's..)
Clif's style is a bit dense to the uninitiated, but is worth "decoding." If you aren't familiar with his work, please visit halfpasthuman and familiarize yourself. His work, his style, and the information contained is beyond interesting, and may be the words that give you comfort and stability during the coming weeks and months, in that, eventually, humanity will live through what is upcoming. There are many people who don't believe in Clif's work or his motives. Not me. I think he's a genius, his motives are pure, and his work worth much consideration. In this coming year 2011, good luck to you and yours. I think we're going to need it..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
1 hour ago
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