Four previously abundant species of bumblebee are close to disappearing in the United States, researchers reported on Monday in a study confirming that the agriculturally important bees are being affected worldwide.
They documented a 96 percent decline in the numbers of the four species,
and said their range had shrunk by as much as 87 percent. As with honeybees, a pathogen is partly involved, but the researchers also found evidence the bees are vulnerable to inbreeding caused by habitat loss.
"We provide incontrovertible evidence that multiple Bombus species have experienced sharp population declines at the national level," the researchers reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, calling the findings "alarming."
While no crops are in immediate danger, the results show that experts need to pay attention, Cameron said. Pollinators such as bees and bats often have specific tongue lengths and pollination behaviors that have evolved along with the species of plants they pollinate.
"This is a wake-up call that bumblebee species are declining not only in Europe, not only in Asia, but also in North America," she said.As I've stated before, this is a serious problem because our systemic(both government and corporate) will be far too slow to prevent the oncoming catastrophe. The "cost to taxpayers" and "fiscal bottom line" will be the excuses used. This mounting horror's symptoms needed to be addressed years earlier, and there's no evidence to suggest the situation or pace will change. Ever the pessimist regarding large, controlling entities moving quickly to avert what could be averted, I'm saying it's already too late. We are doomed.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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1 hour ago
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