Still not going to Urban Survival? What's wrong with you?
Deaths: 61
Total Cases: 5,251
Less 0 Death countries: 254
subtotal 4,997
Divided into 53 deaths 1.20%
Date Est. Mortality* Cases Total % Case Change
May 12 1.20% 5,251 +18.0%
May 11 1.26% 4,450 +29.4%
May 9 1.48% 3440 +45.1%
May 8 2.21% 2,371 12.9%
May 7 2.51% 2,099 +38.5%
May 6 2.45% 1516 + 34.8%
May 5 2.97% 1124 + 14.1%
May 4 3.19% 985 +60.1%
May 2 2.974% 615 +85.8%
May 1 3.77% 331
1.20% is the magic statistic. Still higher that a regular flu season, but much less than the 2.5% mortality rate of the 1918 Spanish flu. So things are looking up.. for now..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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29 minutes ago
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