What's that behind the ISS? The weirdness begins at :50 seconds, subsides, picks up again at 12:20, but the main event starts after 22:35. You tell me what that is..
I found the video at above top secret.
So that's one, and then we have some related sightings, which are, evidently, direct messages from God for believers in the two most spiritual places on the planet, Jerusalem and Salt Lake City. Big stink about the whole thing thread here, and some mainstream coverage here.
Couple that with the freaktastic and oh-so-biblical ghost horse of the apocalypse in Tahrihr Square, and you've got yourself a busy paranormal news week! Things is gettin' strange, y'all..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
57 minutes ago
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