The wind blows. The shaded region of the apartment’s walkway is at the lower end of the comfort zone. It feels close to the mid 60’s. It's the perfect temperature for St. Louis in September.
Out from the shadows, one sees aqua clear blue skies. The wind touches and soothes the hair on my legs, my toes, and my ears. My mind churns along rapidly. So many abstracts to manage-all those balls in the air. Most of the time, innate machinations perform these tasks with little effort, little extra thought. Other times are more bipolar, and the struggle for serenity becomes much harder to accomplish.
When problems appear, do what you must to regain your inner-balance. Think thoughts through; diffuse negatives with the power of your intellect, your logic, your self.
Flex your muscles.
You are strong. Be strong.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
17 minutes ago
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