The plane was quite large, nearly empty, and it was night. The flight seemed to go on forever. I kept napping and waking, my grogginess never dissipating fully. The plane was traveling long distance, landing and taking off, always in darkness, no dawn or daylight on the horizon. The take off and landings seemed to be standard operating procedure, no sense of imminent destruction or danger, but each time we began final approach, an overwhelming sense of dread would drown out all other perceptions, all other emotions.
I was very tired, vaguely aware of having no control over this situation of flight. During the dream, vampires that resembled people were touching me, the feeling very pleasurable, yet at the same time, I could feel them drain life out of me, my essence slowly flowing form me to them. Their procedure was simple enough, their touch on my hand, or on my leg, their gaze directly into mine. The sensation was delicious, but I could not enjoy it fully because they were taking my life’s energy. This was not verbalized, but the vampires knew I knew and was unable to stop the process. That further empowered them. Their hollow smiles and dead eyes chilled me.
I woke up at 5:45 from a really heavy sleep and realized immediately that this wasn’t my bed. He was sucking my penis again, for the fourth time, and was relentless in his technique. I asked him to stop. I really needed to sleep.
The previous night was spent wasted again, drinking too much, allowing the old persona, the weak one, the lonely one, to take over and go home with someone hardly known, out of some misplaced need for affection; some need for something. And that need had bit me in the ass again. As he was bobbing up and down on my cock, I wondered if I would ever learn.
“I am insatiable.” He said, looking up, pausing from his efforts to drain my juice, my life, from me.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
18 minutes ago
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