Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4, 2012

Could Earth be impacted by large asteroid February 15-16, 2013?  The Extinction Protocol.  Excerpts:

Scientists are predicting that the asteroid 2012 DA14 has a good chance of colliding with earth in eleven months. Watch the skies in February 2013!  According to RT, NASA has confirmed that the 60 meter (or 197 feet) asteroid, which was spotted by Spanish stargazers in February this year, has a good chance of colliding with earth. The scientists suggest confronting this asteroid with either big guns or, more strangely, with paint. The problem with either option is that there is no time to build a spaceship for the operation. A spaceship could either shoot the asteroid down or simply crash into it – this would either break it into pieces or throw it off course. NASA expert David Dunham suggested: “We could paint it.” The paint would change the asteroid’s ability to reflect sunlight, alter its spin and change its temperature. However, even taking the asteroid off course could be dangerous when it returns in 2056..

Paint it!  Let my future relatives deal with it!

Two "File Under's" from Gawker.

File Under:  Funny that this even needs to be said..  Mormon Church to Members: Quit Baptizing Dead Jews 

File Under:  It was only a matter of time..  "Ultimate Fighter" Reality Show Rising Star Has Gay Porn Background  Mmm..  Sexy punching..

Weeeeeeeeeeeeirdd..  Bibles found in Bin Laden compound prompt speculations of ‘jihad teachings’  Al Arabiya.  Excerpts:

Two Bibles were found at the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed, the Daily Mail reported on Wednesday, prompting speculation that the al-Qaeda leader had used the religious books for “teachings of jihad.”

Security officials discovered the Christian holy books when demolition crews were sent in to tear down the compound in Abbottabad this week, according to the newspaper.

The officials said that certain lines in the English language Bibles were highlighted and they contained pages that were folded over. Two radio sets were also found during a final sweep of the compound before demolition.

A commanding officer from Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence told The Sun: “Maybe he was looking for teachings of jihad.”

“The Bibles were in English and we cannot be sure why they were there. These copies were found as we checked the rooms for the final time before demolishing the building.

“The radios are in working condition and will be given with the Bibles to the investigators. Some pages were folded and we will see later what was of most interest to bin Laden.” the officer added.

A 7th advertiser pulls out of Limbaugh's show.  Wake me at  "20 sponsors defect," or when Limbaugh cries, shits himself on national TV. I know it's temporary, and he'll recover, but let me dream, please..

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