Uh-Oh! From Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge:
Bank of America just fired the preemptive escalation shot in its duel with Wikileaks. Late on Friday, America's biggest mortgage lender, and the firm that is now getting sued left and right for various mortgage transgressions, announced it is joining MasterCard, Paypal and Visa in ceasing transactions for Wikileaks. While this decision will certainly not improve Operation Anonymous' empathy toward the North Carolina bank, it may just precipitate overt retaliation by Assange, who is now rumored to be in possession of data that could prove harmful to BAC. Which is why this sudden escalation out of left field by the bank strikes as surprisingly odd: BofA's upside is very limited while its downside could be 100% - even if Wikileaks is bluffing, why provoke them. And as expected, Wikileaks has already retaliated: in two sequential tweets it advised its 568,117 (and very rapidly growing) subscribers to pull their money out of Bank of America, and also to close all their accounts with the firm, urging them to put their money "somewhere safer." What is curious is to see whether this sudden escalation, in what has now become synonymous with a quest for preserving the first amendment for a substantial deal of people (and freedom of speech globally), will have a far broader impact than the comparable "Pull Your Money" out of the Big Banks venture that was attempted by Huffington Post over a year ago, with unsatisfactory results. If people suddenly personify Bank of America with a First Amendment threat, arguably the one freedom most cherished in America, which is precisely what Assange is trying to do, all bets for the Countrywide acquirer may soon be off.
The seeds were also sown earlier this month in France with Eric Cantona's December 7th Bank Run fail. I think history will look at Cantona's efforts more as a template than in judgement for the non-starter event its first attempt (But certainly not last)proved to be. We seem to be at a point in history where random variable people and events could expand or escalate local-to-global situations beyond expectations ever supposed even in the recent past, through the viral, random, and variable nature of the Internet itself.
One last thought from Clif High at Half Past Human(Which deserves a more detailed comment at a later time) regarding the upcoming WikiLeaks/BofA bloodbath.. And there will be blood.. *But* It might not be Bank of America at all, or it might be BofA AND the New York Fed..
The rumors of the next round of Wikileaks 'releases' (hint hint on language)...include not only the promise of deep banking secrets which many people speculate to be centered on Bank of America, while others, perhaps more in the know, are thinking it is actually to be 30/thirty plus years worth of 'secrets' to be revealed about the NY Federal Reserve Bank. The ramifications of either are severe for the banking system which is already stressed to levels never before encountered as it stumbles headlong into the upcoming currency collapse. Note that leverage and derivatives are now being piled upon each other as the fraud of the global 'reserve' banking system comes undone as a direct result of its nature (criminal) being taken to its logical extreme by those persons trapped in the myth of acquisition (e.g. where the 'ego/i' thinks that if it acquires more, and continues to acquire, then everlasting life (for the ego) shall result).
I think people are beginning to understand, with the help of these concrete, but fast developing examples, how information knowledge is power, and how that power is tearing apart the collective perceptions of this reality, thereby altering the course of what would have been Our Future, into a new course of what Our Future will be.
And hopefully, that future contains the total destruction of corporate systems and structures, new types of energy, and aliens, lots of friendly aliens..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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38 minutes ago
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