Interesting analysis into the astrological motivations behind Julian Assange and his creation, WikiLeaks, from Dark Star Astrology. The article focuses on the planet Eris, the mythological Goddess of Strife/Dischord. Excerpts:
..I think personally his efforts to expose the corruption of governments are something to be applauded and am not surprised that Uranus should feature strongly in his chart. Jamie’s interpretation of Sun square Uranus describes him pretty well.“Their need to express their distinctive ego through their personality and career can often cause conflict with others because it can come across as abrupt, rebellious or just weird. There is no doubt however, that the tension of the square aspects pushes these people to achieve brilliance in creative self expression…of a different kind.”
But there is a Plutonic edge to him also, the uncovering the festering toxicity of the elite makes him an activist. He is not simply a rebel without a cause which can be one of the failings of the Uranus square. It goes much deeper.
What makes him stand out from other Uranian weirdo’s is the fact his Sun is caught in a T square between Uranus opposing a Eris/Chiron conjunction of just 44’
I really do see the archetype of Eris very strongly in him. Eris is the Goddess of discord. Even her discovery caused ructions as there was a dispute over what name to call her and then further controversy over the reclassification of planets leading to Pluto’s demotion. All very fitting for her birth into the collective consciousness.
Eris is all about exposing vanity and petty one-upmanship.. (Diplomatic Cables, no?)
So in a chart Eris is where you are made the scapegoat, it’s the ugly duckling that doesn’t fit into the “Cool” gang It’s where you throw eggs at politicians, where you scream “The Emperor has no clothes!”. Uranus doesn’t give a monkeys if he doesn’t fit in. If fact most of the time he is blissfully unaware that he is experienced as bonkers. Eris on the other hand cares very much. Her attitude is “One day I’ll show you”. She wants payback on all the playground teasing, she wants divine retribution. Conversely where Uranus is sometimes self-conscious, awkward and uncomfortable in social situations, Eris relishes in her “outlaw” status, milking it for all its worth. Unfortunately this bravado only serves to alienate her even more.
Eris’s general attitude is one of “If you can’t join them, beat them!”. She can be jealous and vengeful also, just as Ereshkigal was towards her sister Innana in the Mesopotamian version of the Persephone myth. Innana being the Venus/Aphrodite archetype. Eris is the shadow, like Pluto. She seems to be a cross between Pluto and Uranus, but dipped in Martian red warpaint. She is a Dark Goddess, but with less of the Neptune mysticism of Lilith. She is far more upfront and bolshy. Lilith is more seductive and bewitching, while Eris is ruthless predator when it comes to ensnaring her man.
Eris.. takes the law into her own hands and is extremely ambitious. Like Anne Boleyn she wants to be Queen and could never be content with being a mere mistress. She will fight for the underdog and see that justice is done. She wants fairness and cannot abide hypocrisy. She is the ultimate Warrior Queen. Being a Goddess she does not do things in the normal linear masculine way, she challenges the concept of power, she encourages you to stand up to the bullies and turn the tables. She is the only match for Pluto because she can play him at his own game, twisting it to suit her own agenda. She ducks and dives, stealing Pluto’s invisible helmet at times. There she bides her time waiting for the optimum moment to shock her audience. The she will suddenly rip off her disguise to reveal flaming red tresses and her fearsome fiery whistle-blowing breath.
Right now Julian has Tr Saturn opposing his Eris/Chiron conjunction. This is seriously blocking his ability as a warrior and maverick. Corrected by precession, Saturn is has only just made this aspect. It was exact on the 29th of November. By the end of December he should get his mojo back again..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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1 hour ago
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