Come January, it's payback. The Irish are mad, and ready to kick some Fianna Fail ass. The other traditional opposition parties(Fine Gael, in first, at the moment, Labour in second and Sinn Fein, third) are crushing Fianna Fail(by default) which has dropped to last place in the "major" parties (not counting the Greens), and elections are slated for the second week of January. In a quirk of Irish politics, Fine Gael is to the right of Fianna Fail, but works with Labour, which is similar in spirit to the progressive left of the American Democratic Party. (It would be nice to have that cooperation stateside, but, you know..)
Fianna Fail has seen their popularity plummet from 42 percent to 13 percent, and are projected to lose as many as 55 seats in this disaster election scenario created by their greed and unshakable allegiance to the banks that got them in trouble in the first place. And now, members of its own party might not follow suit for December 7th's budget vote. And if the budget doesn't pass and Ireland refuses the bailout and the entire government collapses, this will cause a whole new set of problems for the EU, the IMF, and bankers from other countries. Stay tuned..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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53 minutes ago
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