WikiLeaks has staged document dumps in the past(Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm looking in your direction..), but nothing like this: Seven times the size of Iraq's release, and that was almost four hundred thousand documents! The focus of today's release? U.S. Diplomatic cables regarding everyone. Everyone. Allies, enemies.. It doesn't matter. And now, it's going to be all out there. And it's going to take months for press organizations, other governments, braver souls than I, etc.. to go through all these documents and really assess what they mean and the totality of their impact. Our diplomatic relations with the rest of the world is a big deal, and "lifting the veil" on how that diplomacy works and what our government is really thinking(and how they gossip about it)is a Big Deal.
And someone's not happy with Assange/WikiLeaks. I mean, of course, hackers(or groups wanting to look like hackers), disinformation groups, and the usual right wing types and Administration mouthpieces..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
53 minutes ago
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