Humans do have psychic powers, study claims.. Obsequious, purple, and clairvoyant excerpts in italics:
In one experiment, students were given a list of words to memorise which they were later asked to recall, before being given a selection of the words to type out.
The volunteers were able to recall some words more easily than others – which tended to be those that they would later be asked to type. (I think the list in question was made up of pre-selected words..)
In another experiment, the students were shown an image of two curtains on a computer screen and told to pick the one that concealed an erotic picture. They chose the correct curtain more often than could be explained by coincidence, Prof Bem claims.
The position of the picture was randomly determined by a computer after the students made their decision, which Prof Bem views as evidence that the students were influencing future events.
(Notice the similarities to properties of quantum physics? Observation/Interaction influences outcome..)
Joachim Krueger, a US psychologist, said the claim that humans may have psychic powers is “ridiculous” but admitted that, having examined Prof Bem’s methodology, “frankly, everything seemed to be in good order”.
What might we have learned? That Psychic Activity is both innate, and in some way, relate able to quantum physics. Which is cooler: That this potential is within us all, or that the paranormal now has links to avant garde mathematical theory? It's a tie, nerds, but then you knew that too, didn't you?
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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39 minutes ago
1 comment:
what was the study? Since I'm at NIH I have access to all the journals mentioned in articles like this and love to read the original articles.
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