From Aletho News:
Patrick J. Leahy — Vermont
Herb Kohl — Wisconsin
Jeff Sessions — Alabama
Dianne Feinstein — California
Orrin G. Hatch — Utah
Russ Feingold — Wisconsin
Chuck Grassley — Iowa
Arlen Specter — Pennsylvania
Jon Kyl — Arizona
Chuck Schumer — New York
Lindsey Graham — South Carolina
Dick Durbin — Illinois
John Cornyn — Texas
Benjamin L. Cardin — Maryland
Tom Coburn — Oklahoma
Sheldon Whitehouse — Rhode Island
Amy Klobuchar — Minnesota
Al Franken — Minnesota
Chris Coons — Delaware
Aletho states effectively:
This law takes down entire websites based on the government’s say-so. First Amendment protections make clear that if you are going to stop any specific speech, it has to be extremely specific speech. This law has no such restrictions. It’s really quite unfortunate that these 19 US Senators are the first American politicians to publicly vote in favor of censoring speech in America.
Ooohhh.. Next stop: Totalitarian dystopia, but no one will know it because those who know won't be around(prison, dead, or exile), or won't be allowed to say anything(prison, dead, exile, or censored).
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
1 hour ago
1 comment:
You forgot to put the "D" for democrat after their names.
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