From Urban Survival, April 5 (scroll almost halfway down)
(Selected from)Coping: Flux Rope. Satellite Outages & Birkeland Currents Not often that things work out well, while working out badly, but for some reason that's how things seem to be going around here. My long-time friend who is visiting does a lot of work with something called "subtle energies" and is off to meetings in Florida later this week; he's pretty well-known in the world of subtle energy work, but has held back on writing a book or raising his profile too far; now's not the time to be doing such things.
But with not too much speculation, we could be witnessing the evolution of something which has been in Cliff's predictive linguistics modeling for at least 10-years. "sun disease".
Let me back up: Our Canadian Prairies correspondent reported in an overnight note that the Northern Lights were going nuts last night:
"Wow, 5:00 am your time, up to use the washroom, and noticed streaks and flashes through the west horizon like lightening in the distance through the window. Went outside, and the whole sky is flashing here and there like a strobe with the aurora. Never seen anything like it. from directly above, spreading out in all directions, but to faint and flashing way to fast to photograph. Big dipper is almost directly above at the moment and its all arcing from around that point. Never seen anything like this. Normally they light up and shimmer across the sky in the northern region and slowly spread south. this has huge flashes covering half the sky and lasting maybe one quarter of a second.
The things I get to see."
All of which points out that the Sun, which has been in quite a period of lull, seems to have come back quite energetically -- indeed so much so that there was a solar "PRESTO" alert issued on Saturday which pushes up the blood pressure a particular attention to the highlight:
"A B7.4 flare peaking at 09:54 UT was detected today in the Catania sunspot group 56 (NOAA AR 1059) located around S25W05. It was accompanied by a post-eruption arcade, coronal dimmings, possibly an EIT wave and a partial halo CME (angular width around 210 degrees). The CME was first detected at 10:33 UT (by LASCO) and at 09:54 UT (by SECCHI/COR2 on STEREO A). The CME was moving at a projected plane-of-the-sky speed of around 250 km/s (according to the LASCO data). Using some reasonable assumptions on the CME geometry, the true radial CME speed can be estimated to be around 600 km/s. The arrival of the corresponding ICME (possibly an interplanetary flux rope) at the Earth is thus expected in the morning of April 6.
The "flux rope" sure sounds like the "h-field" part of Jim McCanney's 'electric solar system model', where he postulates actual 'arcing' from the Sun to the planets (or does it go the other way...don't recall at this hour). But regardless, when CME energy shows up, really BIG effects start to happen on Earth.
Don't know how much welding you've done lately with a stick or wire welder, but what does arc welding create? Low voltage but incredibly high currents: Heat - all kinds of heat and enough to melt pretty much any metal in the way.
This is totally cool stuff, except for one small got'cha: As the Sun's flux-levels get turned up, and more ropes arrive, what does that do to the temperature of the earth's core and possibly (under the plasma expansion model) what does this do to the little things floating on the surface of the planet like, oh, I dunno, Haiti, Chile, and now Mexicali?
All of which might sound really wonky except for two things. Just in the last few minutes, this showed up:
Space Weather Bulletin:
A geomagnetic storm began at 05:55 AM EST Monday, April 5, 2010. Space weather storm levels reached Strong (G3) levels on the Geomagnetic Storms Space Weather Scale. The source of the storming is an Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejection associated with a weak solar flare that occurred in Active Region 1059 on April 3 at 05:54 AM EST. This is expected to be an isolated storm that should subside quickly. Other than the flare and CME erupting on April 3, this active region has not produced any significant activity. Systems that can be affected include electric power systems, spacecraft operations, high-frequency communications, GPS, and other navigation systems.
Data used to provide space weather services are contributed by NOAA, USAF, NASA, NSF, USGS, the International Space Environment Services and other observatories, universities, and institutions. More information is available at SWPC's Web site
And two: I can't seem to get rid of that image of "Wednesday - Los Angeles" out of my head.
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Super short answer: Sun-doom possible soon.
Embalmer arrested for cutting of sex offender's tallywacker. I'm willing to
bet there's more to the story here [Strange]
[image: Strange] [link] [7 comments]
27 minutes ago
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