Holy shit! Really? Excerpts from the excellent BradBlog..
Finally, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow covers the actual phony ACORN tapes themselves by airing the newly release unedited versions, since CA AG Jerry Brown forced hoaxsters O'Keefe and Giles to turn them over in exchange for immunity from criminal prosecution, as we noted in our coverage last Friday. (That coverage also includes links to the full, unedited versions of the tapes, clips of which Maddow aired last night, as seen below.)
Maddow video at link..
Maddow slams the entire hoax as pulled off by O'Keefe, Giles and their employer/publisher/con-man Andrew Breitbart, and aptly describes it as "a dishonest political stunt that bears no resemblance to journalism"...
For the record, yes, as Maddow notes, Fox "News" endlessly pimped the phony ACORN tapes and got the story completely --- and likely purposely --- wrong. But it should also be noted that so did New York Times, AP, Baltimore Sun, CNN, New York Post, Washington City Paper, Philadelphia Daily News, NPR, Dallas Morning News and many many more, some of which are listed here.
Really: If "they" (Fox, O'Keefe, vast Right Wing Conspiracy) went to this much trouble to get ACORN, think of how far they'd go to get Obama? Oh yeah, all you have to do is turn on the TV or Radio or computer to see how far they'd go..
Hello, 911 emergency? Yes, I'd like to report that my mom just ate my ice
cream. Also, she makes me take baths and I think that's really unfair
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50 minutes ago
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