This generation begins assimilation and application of computer literacy, technological aptitude, and sophistication concerning medium almost from time of birth. Implications and positive theoretical advancements within discipline during the next 20 years unknowable due to generational familiarity with operation and influenced thought systems. No matter what anyone says, we really don’t know what Billy and Suzy are thinking or doing with their PCs or how they’ll use that knowledge down the road, or how their enhanced aptitude will effect society. We can’t know that yet.
And it could be…amazing.
Production of desensitized waves of adults with skewed life, value, or violence priorities. Application of computer related sensibilities to worldview and corresponding behavior. Hyper-violent applications in games or on the Internet detract from life worth. History can be revised virtually unchecked. Other humans viewed as objects. Aggression viewed as viable problem-solving solution. Possible root cause for generational fracture within American culture.
Implications could be very serious.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
25 minutes ago
What about the social aspects of computer networking? Do you have wisdom on how this network of tubes is decreasing and increasing people talking to each other?
A great thought, Don. I wrote this in '95 and did not see the rise of facebook or myspace as a potential direction. I need to think on this, but yeah, social networking is reconnecting and alienating at the same time. I think a lot of people sense that, but haven't stopped to think or articulate it.
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