Pretty comprehensive Anti Baby Boomer rant from a poster at AlienEarth.
Being a member of Generation X has always felt like the kid left standing at the end of "Musical Chairs." First we were left out because we were too young to be taken seriously by those before us. Then we were left out because the Boomers were taken too seriously. Then we were left out because the Silent Generation before the Boomers wanted to hang on a little while longer. And now, we're still shut out because the Boomers want to hang on a little while longer. And all the while, Gen Y approaches from behind..
While great technological advances happened during our formative years (into adulthood), our generation had to familiarize ourselves with these advances, not think within them. As tech-savvy as some of my generation might be, GenY grew up fluent in Internet and computer knowledge. If I were an employer and had to choose a programmer or designer for any future high end tech projects, I'd definitely go with a GenY candidate. In other words, while we learned it, they live it. And again, the music ends and we're left standing..
We are more independent, cynical, and grounded(but nomadic) than our older brothers and sisters (or parents). We got hip to the fact we lost the "chronological lottery" early, along with any optimistic assessments of the future (I don't know anyone who wasn't just a little freaked out after watching "The Day After.."). We are the most educated generation, but we are also the first to reverse the trend of making more money than our parents. Economically, the American Dream died with us; we just weren't aware of it.
So a lot of us have said "fuck you" to the conventions of society, and do whatever we want, kind of.. We are the Service Industry, Middle Management, and the Creatives who can't fully impliment their visions. We still don't save for the future, live paycheck to paycheck, never once thought Social Security would be around when we retired (Old people Freak Out when you say that to them. Evidently, it's a scary thought..), and yet, there seems to be this hope that, when the shit Really hits the fan, we'll get ours together and get to work. Will my generation ever find cohesion? Will I?
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
22 minutes ago
Preach on, brother.
Gen Y has no clue as to some of your references... "Why when I was your age we didn't even have computers. We learned to read analog clocks and even put our fingers in holes and spun to the right to make a telephone call...from home. You little get me my blanket and soup...and turn Lawrence Welk on." You realize the kids that were born the year Prodigy started are in college now? Do they even know what a bbs is?
Thanks for your comments! I'm never sure if anyone is reading, or if this is all for my entertainment. Thanks..
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