I'll let George Ure from Urban Survival explain why I'll be watching this closely..
"You're welcome to be as skeptical of our rickety time machine as you want, but if you would so kind as to click back to last week's Friday report here and scroll on down to where I told you...
"We should get a good hint whether that's still on tap since there's a temporal marker due August 3/4 with a largish earthquake (+/- a couple of days). What I'll be looking for will be something in the 6.5 in a populated area to a 7.0+ in an unpopulated area and decent headlining or maybe tsunami warnings. We shall see, non? "
And once you recall what I told you last Friday based on the predictive linguistics work of www.halfpasthuman.com, you will want to click over to the Reuters story about the 6.9 earthquake that just happened off Baja California.
Two important items: One: We should get another quake, possibly similar in size tomorrow (odds on that are relatively high) and since this is one of the temporal markers the time monks have been pointing to as 'notice this marker because if it hits, then it's 'game on' for the derivatives visibility showing up on or about August 22.
Don't say no one mentioned it to you in advance. We may not have more than two dimes to rub together, but we do own something of increasingly higher value: The future."
I read the latest Webbot report. Really tense, really evil, Really, Really scary. And, of course, I hope it's wrong.. about everything. Tomorrow, though, is a different picture. Let's see what develops.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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50 minutes ago
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