Friday, July 6, 2012

Heads Up! X Flare On Its Way!

From Spaceweather.  Spaceweather doesn't have specific links, so if you visit after say, Saturday morning, just scroll down.

X-FLARE:  Giant sunspot AR1515 unleashed a strong X1.1-class solar flare on July 6th at 2308 UT. Because Earth is well-connected to the blast site by solar magnetic fields, a fusillade of protons accelerated by the explosion might soon reach our planet. Stay tuned for updates.

Couple the flare with another sunspot..

NEW SUNSPOT: A new sunspot is emerging over the sun's southeastern limb, and it appears to be a big one. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught a first glimpse of the spot's dark cores during the early hours of July 6th:

I think 1515 still hasn't fully rotated towards earth, so July has the chance to become really interesting!

Updates forthcoming.

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