Friday, February 17, 2012

Touch Screen Voting Manipulation? How Very 2002. Republicans Just Now Wake Up To Its Existence..

Wow..  And all it took was Republican on Republican vote rigging for (some of) them to wake up!  It's not like this has been an issue for over 10 years..  It's not like over 85 percent of vote tally software is under the control of two brothers, both Republicans, and that less than 30 dollars can swing an election..  But wow, some Republicans gets screwed, and now it's a national issue! 

It's funny (peculiar), conservatives have spent the last 10 years casting legitimate questions about the no-verification, highly corrupt voting apparatus this country so willingly embraces as 'whacked out conspiracy theories,' until it effected them.  Now, because they're the ones making the accusations, This Issue Is Serious!  That's not the only reason people think wingnuts are self-absorbed douchebags, but it is a pretty good example.

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