I don't care. I'm sorry a little girl is dead, but in no way, shape, or form is National News. The investigation, incarceration, and trial had no national significance. It has no political or economic impact. It is, however, Hyper-Sensational and MediaSexy As Hell, and concluded its three year run with a substantial chunk of the country hanging on every move, and now, passionately attacking or defending the outcome.
In terms of global significance, Fukushima is way, waaaaay more important. The unfolding collapse of Greece, then Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy, and the E.U. is more important. America's continuing economic stagnation-into-collapse is more important. Missouri River flooding and potential Nuclear Nightmare scenarios are more important. Los Alamos wild fire and potential Nuclear Nightmare scenarios are more important.
And yet, day in, day out, breathless condemnations disguised as coverage, a real time television lynchin' that failed to deliver when the verdict was read. Now everybody's talking about their huge, blue judicial balls, and still the important stories continue to go on unnoticed. Fuck, man, this was not the climax the NewsPeople promised. The people that are mad about this verdict are really mad, and the crazies mad about this verdict are crazed. My guess? Someone will take matters into their own hands, and she'll be maimed or dead by Labor Day. Obsessed fans or Avenging Angels, The Crazy People are really riled up by Casey Anthony's very existence.. And no, this isn't wishful thinking, just an estimation based on the level of crazy surrounding the investigation/media circus/frenzy dating all the way back to her public conviction back on Day One.
As an aside, I'm looking forward to Casey Anthony's civil suit against Nancy Grace. Will Nancy Grace sentence Nancy Grace guilty of slander and the character assassination of Casey Anthony? So much evidence already committed to tape..
CSI-style bullshit has tainted people's minds. Evidently, "Beyond a shadow of a doubt" doesn't happen without some slow motion special effects and the involvement of a Mass Spectrometer.
The story will continue, as the media and public hound her every move. If anything, the story might have just begun. Again, why should we care? We're being irradiated every day. But the media got some stellar ratings, so everything worked out fine.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
27 minutes ago
1 comment:
I couldn't have agreed more
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