Interesting. This looks to be a pretty heated debate in New Zealand. Did Ken Ring, School Assembly entertainer, Mathematician, Magician/Clown(no fake), Author, and Seminar Headliner, really predict the Christchurch earthquake? Excerpts:
.. One sunspot in particular, called AR1158 is growing rapidly and poses a threat to Earth. Solar activity has been stepping up since 10 January but most activity has missed Earth because most blasts occurred on the far side of the sun. Statistically speaking, a plasma bullet in our direction may be overdue, according to
From Ken's site Predict Weather
It means this area of the sun that corresponds to NZ is again seeing some activation. The window of 15-25 February should be potent for all types of tidal action, not only King tides but cyclone development and ground movement. The 18th may be especially prone. The possible earthquake risk areas are N/S faults until after 16 February, then E/W faults until 23rd. The moon will be full on the 18th and in perigee on the 19th. This perigee will be the fifth closest for the year. The 15th will be nodal for the moon. On the 20th the moon crosses the equator heading south. Strong winds and swells may arrive around 22nd to NZ shorelines.
These are opinions and not predictions, based on observation of repeating lunar patterns.
For an earthquake to occur many factors have to come together, but sun activity, full moon and perigee are arguably the most potent, and they are all starting to chime now. Over the next 10 days a 7+ earthquake somewhere is very likely. This could also be a time for auroras in the northern hemisphere and in the southern tip of NZ. It may also be a time for whale strandings because of increases in underwater earthquakes. The 7+ is sure to be somewhere in the "Ring of Fire", where 80% of all major earthquakes seem to occur, and NZ is at the lower left of this Ring. (While the Christchurch earthquake was a 6.3, is was very shallow, and its damage was comparable to a 7 magnitude or larger.)
The mathematician is a long-range weather forecaster who bases his predictions around the moon, sun and other scientific activity. Beyond 'Moon Forecasting', it’s his earthquake calls that have people a-buzz.
On February 14, 2011 Mr Ring made this tweet: “Potential earthquake time for the planet between 15th-25th, especially 18th for Christchurch, +/- about 3 days.” Short... and sharp.
The 6.3 magnitude quake struck four days from his 18th assessment, just one day outside his margin of error. For some, the coincidence and that forecast - despite not being absolutely precise - are just too accurate to discount. Very close, it seems, is enough for a little eyebrow raising. However, on the other side of the fence (and there's plenty of opinion to be found on the Internet) his delusional ramblings have no basis beyond the minds of the mad.
Last September though, Ken Ring had said that another big one was on its way, again in a tweet: "The Christchurch earthquake was predictable. And there's another coming in 6 months."
But it’s his final warning - the Valentine's Day Tweet - that perhaps allows some thought to an eerie ability to ‘read’ and forecast weather patterns... and even natural disasters such as earthquakes?
During the interview with Lush he said the next big quake would come March 20 in Christchurch, along the east-west fault-line in Marlborough and Canterbury.
So, when Christchurch suffered an earthquake on the 22nd(February, of course..), people took notice. And now, he's predicted another big one for Christchurch again, this time on March 20th. This seems to have freaked out the local populace. And now, everyone seems to have a passionate opinion about his credibility, his motives, his accuracy, and the necessity of his message.. Credibility and motives aside(We'll find out soon enough), the necessity of message boils down to these passages: ..Campbell(A Newscaster who got into a public fight with Ken Ring) was forced to apologise, admitting he didn't believe Mr Ring's theories.
"But many people I've spoken to do - and Mr Ring's predictions terrify them," the broadcaster said, before begging him to "stop scaring people".
And scaring them he is. Elderly Australian Gloria Cotton survived the quake and said that predictions of another were "ghastly".
"Tell them to stop, please just stop," the 84-year-old said from her damaged Christchurch home.
"Life is so hard anyway. We can't cope with hearing about another one."
"If the information was there wouldn't you rather have access to it?
"How terrible would it be if I knew all the seismic signs were there and I didn't say anything? I couldn't live with myself.
The scientists, however, remain unconvinced.
I don't know, so I can't know what the people of Christchurch are going through at this time. With Arkansas' tectonic activity revving up, maybe I'll receive some firsthand empathy real soon. Without knowing exactly how I would react in the same situation, I think I'd welcome the information. It might be terrible news, but having as much valuable prep time for another event is much more preferable than not having that prep time in favor of not being scared by news I don't want to hear. But that's just me.
What about the 84 year old woman? Maybe she's alone, maybe unable, her husband dead, or unable, or fully able at 86(But that's not a big help..), anything is possible. Her house is damaged; the walls of her entire world cracked and broken. She's old, and tired. It takes all she has to get through the minimum of house duties.
And now her house is broken. Nothing will ever be the same again. She's overwhelmed by the implications of what has happened--Can't process.. And someone comes along and says another one's coming. This woman wants it to stop, and wants no more reminders of what has happened. And she probably doesn't have enough people in her life strong enough to take care of themselves and repair her world. . When one ages, it is very likely the scope of their entire world shrinks to the outer walls of their home. When their house is damaged or destroyed, so is their world. If someone like her wants denial, so be it.
When disaster strikes an area, it effects everyone collectively, and individually. Emotions are raw, the future is uncertain, and people's reactions can be unpredictable in the face of what they've just experienced. People's needs will be different, and part of surviving a trauma of this magnitude is all about meeting the basics, and everyone coming together in the face of the horror they just faced.
At this moment in time, this particular debate should cease. The prediction is out there. There is no right answer. And this all distracts from the urgency at hand.
The people of Christchurch have been through enough, but this is far from over. In the short term, Ken Ring's March 20th deadline looms. I'm hoping he's wrong, as I'm sure everyone effected feels the same. The short clock countdown for this next predicted disaster continues, while the time before Christchurch's return to normal must feel like it's moving backwards.
(Note: This post was destroyed last evening when Blogger's Autosave failed to work. The last save happened probably 30 minutes before I attempted to publish, which was unsuccessful. The version saved was very different than my first attempt, and this post is pretty different that what I'd written last night.. The last few lines of "If you'd rather not know.." is not showing up on the draft page, so I can't delete it, yet it continues to show up on Preview. Up until last night and today, Blogger had been performing well. I'm hoping this is an anomalous frustration..)
"If you'd rather not know, then please don't read it."Mr Ring for his part said he believed most people would rather be safe than sorry.
.. One sunspot in particular, called AR1158 is growing rapidly and poses a threat to Earth. Solar activity has been stepping up since 10 January but most activity has missed Earth because most blasts occurred on the far side of the sun. Statistically speaking, a plasma bullet in our direction may be overdue, according to
From Ken's site Predict Weather
It means this area of the sun that corresponds to NZ is again seeing some activation. The window of 15-25 February should be potent for all types of tidal action, not only King tides but cyclone development and ground movement. The 18th may be especially prone. The possible earthquake risk areas are N/S faults until after 16 February, then E/W faults until 23rd. The moon will be full on the 18th and in perigee on the 19th. This perigee will be the fifth closest for the year. The 15th will be nodal for the moon. On the 20th the moon crosses the equator heading south. Strong winds and swells may arrive around 22nd to NZ shorelines.
These are opinions and not predictions, based on observation of repeating lunar patterns.
For an earthquake to occur many factors have to come together, but sun activity, full moon and perigee are arguably the most potent, and they are all starting to chime now. Over the next 10 days a 7+ earthquake somewhere is very likely. This could also be a time for auroras in the northern hemisphere and in the southern tip of NZ. It may also be a time for whale strandings because of increases in underwater earthquakes. The 7+ is sure to be somewhere in the "Ring of Fire", where 80% of all major earthquakes seem to occur, and NZ is at the lower left of this Ring. (While the Christchurch earthquake was a 6.3, is was very shallow, and its damage was comparable to a 7 magnitude or larger.)
The mathematician is a long-range weather forecaster who bases his predictions around the moon, sun and other scientific activity. Beyond 'Moon Forecasting', it’s his earthquake calls that have people a-buzz.
On February 14, 2011 Mr Ring made this tweet: “Potential earthquake time for the planet between 15th-25th, especially 18th for Christchurch, +/- about 3 days.” Short... and sharp.
The 6.3 magnitude quake struck four days from his 18th assessment, just one day outside his margin of error. For some, the coincidence and that forecast - despite not being absolutely precise - are just too accurate to discount. Very close, it seems, is enough for a little eyebrow raising. However, on the other side of the fence (and there's plenty of opinion to be found on the Internet) his delusional ramblings have no basis beyond the minds of the mad.
Last September though, Ken Ring had said that another big one was on its way, again in a tweet: "The Christchurch earthquake was predictable. And there's another coming in 6 months."
But it’s his final warning - the Valentine's Day Tweet - that perhaps allows some thought to an eerie ability to ‘read’ and forecast weather patterns... and even natural disasters such as earthquakes?
During the interview with Lush he said the next big quake would come March 20 in Christchurch, along the east-west fault-line in Marlborough and Canterbury.
So, when Christchurch suffered an earthquake on the 22nd(February, of course..), people took notice. And now, he's predicted another big one for Christchurch again, this time on March 20th. This seems to have freaked out the local populace. And now, everyone seems to have a passionate opinion about his credibility, his motives, his accuracy, and the necessity of his message.. Credibility and motives aside(We'll find out soon enough), the necessity of message boils down to these passages: ..Campbell(A Newscaster who got into a public fight with Ken Ring) was forced to apologise, admitting he didn't believe Mr Ring's theories.
"But many people I've spoken to do - and Mr Ring's predictions terrify them," the broadcaster said, before begging him to "stop scaring people".
And scaring them he is. Elderly Australian Gloria Cotton survived the quake and said that predictions of another were "ghastly".
"Tell them to stop, please just stop," the 84-year-old said from her damaged Christchurch home.
"Life is so hard anyway. We can't cope with hearing about another one."
"If the information was there wouldn't you rather have access to it?
"How terrible would it be if I knew all the seismic signs were there and I didn't say anything? I couldn't live with myself.
The scientists, however, remain unconvinced.
I don't know, so I can't know what the people of Christchurch are going through at this time. With Arkansas' tectonic activity revving up, maybe I'll receive some firsthand empathy real soon. Without knowing exactly how I would react in the same situation, I think I'd welcome the information. It might be terrible news, but having as much valuable prep time for another event is much more preferable than not having that prep time in favor of not being scared by news I don't want to hear. But that's just me.
What about the 84 year old woman? Maybe she's alone, maybe unable, her husband dead, or unable, or fully able at 86(But that's not a big help..), anything is possible. Her house is damaged; the walls of her entire world cracked and broken. She's old, and tired. It takes all she has to get through the minimum of house duties.
And now her house is broken. Nothing will ever be the same again. She's overwhelmed by the implications of what has happened--Can't process.. And someone comes along and says another one's coming. This woman wants it to stop, and wants no more reminders of what has happened. And she probably doesn't have enough people in her life strong enough to take care of themselves and repair her world. . When one ages, it is very likely the scope of their entire world shrinks to the outer walls of their home. When their house is damaged or destroyed, so is their world. If someone like her wants denial, so be it.
When disaster strikes an area, it effects everyone collectively, and individually. Emotions are raw, the future is uncertain, and people's reactions can be unpredictable in the face of what they've just experienced. People's needs will be different, and part of surviving a trauma of this magnitude is all about meeting the basics, and everyone coming together in the face of the horror they just faced.
At this moment in time, this particular debate should cease. The prediction is out there. There is no right answer. And this all distracts from the urgency at hand.
The people of Christchurch have been through enough, but this is far from over. In the short term, Ken Ring's March 20th deadline looms. I'm hoping he's wrong, as I'm sure everyone effected feels the same. The short clock countdown for this next predicted disaster continues, while the time before Christchurch's return to normal must feel like it's moving backwards.
(Note: This post was destroyed last evening when Blogger's Autosave failed to work. The last save happened probably 30 minutes before I attempted to publish, which was unsuccessful. The version saved was very different than my first attempt, and this post is pretty different that what I'd written last night.. The last few lines of "If you'd rather not know.." is not showing up on the draft page, so I can't delete it, yet it continues to show up on Preview. Up until last night and today, Blogger had been performing well. I'm hoping this is an anomalous frustration..)
"If you'd rather not know, then please don't read it."Mr Ring for his part said he believed most people would rather be safe than sorry.
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