‘War criminal!’: Ron Paul backers crash Cheney-Rumsfeld reunion Friggin' awesome(!) excerpts:
Supporters of libertarian Republican Ron Paul shouted down(!!-me) former Vice President Dick Cheney at a conservative conference Thursday, in a sign of a growing foreign policy rift on the American right.
Cheney had appeared on the first day of the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference to introduce Donald Rumsfeld, the former Bush-era defense secretary who was scheduled to receive this year's "Defender of the Constitution Award."
That didn't sit well with "Team Paul," supporters of Rep. Ron Paul who have long called for an end to the US's foreign wars.
"Where's bin Laden?" one heckler shouted as Cheney stood at the podium to introduce Rumsfeld.
"War criminal!" another shouted out, prompting a heated reaction from the crowd. (Ya think?)
The specter of a Republican vice president being called a "war criminal" at a conservative conference was so unexpected that it prompted TalkingPointsMemo's Evan McMorris-Santoro to describe it as "what a Cheney-Rumsfeld hug at the Netroots Nation convention might look like."
Rumsfeld's "Defender of the Constitution" award has been ridiculed by liberal anti-war activists and libertarians alike, who argue that Rumsfeld and other Bush administration officials were among the most dismissive of constitutional rights.
Because Libertarian/Conservatives said it, I'm sure the other Conservatives didn't try to beat them up. The essence of a collective "pants-shitting moment," to be sure.. And you thought the last two political cycles were hot..
Paul/Kucinich '12!
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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18 minutes ago
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