From Aquarius Papers. Robert Wilkinson breaks down the astrological energies in place during the initial events that sparked the revolutionary movement taking hold in the Mid-East, which began in Tunisia as an altercation between a street vendor and a policeman. Wilkinson uses Dane Rudyhar's Sabian symbols to illustrate more clearly the meaning of not only the house location of individual planets, but the different aspects those planets make to each other, fully fleshing out the implications and meaning of the astrological forces at work. Excerpts:
It is generally known that the beginning of the revolutionary spark began in Tunisia, when police seized a fruit and vegetable cart run by a vendor who then set himself on fire. After that, within 48 hours of the initial incident, crowds gathered, riots broke out, things got out of hand, and a revolution broke out in short order.
What follows is an examination of the astrological factors in play during the critical moments the morning of December 17 that set up a spark that lit a revolution.
The initial confrontation occurred "less than an hour" before his self-immolation at 11:30 am. At 10:45 am we see 19 Aquarius (the "forest fire"!) on the Ascendant, so we can assume that the Ascendant of the initial incident was somewhere between 17 and 22 Aquarius.
The act of self-immolation at 11:30 am shows us 4 Pisces on the Ascendant and 15 Sagittarius on the MC. The ruler of the Ascendant is Jupiter in the 1st conjunct revolutionary Uranus. Jupiter also rules the Sun in the 10th at 26 Sagittarius, a degree of "the flag bearer," a symbol of selfless dedication to a greater collective ideal.
..the Solar degree is where things of "enduring significance... overshadow the more immediate interests or wholely selfish concerns of man, and the emphasis... on the natural supremacy of common ideals over mere individual ambitions." He says this degrees "is the call for a high self-sacrifice... (to) permit the self to realize its transcendental aspirations." The keyword is NOBILITY, and he states "the degree is spiritual exaltation through some dramatic or vital service to all."
..One major revolutionary indicator is the Sun just off the square to Jupiter while still forming one to Uranus. This would definitely indicate things evolving at breakneck speed, where change can happen in a heartbeat.
It's interesting to note that at the inception of this revolution, Mercury was retrograde at 2 Capricorn, a degree of seeing how violence or wrong use of force damages compassion. This was certainly the case with the policewoman who confiscated the vendor's food, spit on him, and insulted his dead father.
He goes on to say that 8 Taurus is about "using knowledge and skill" to meet a future event, and "independence of the will of the self from outer circumstances," and the "power to mould life upon the pioneer's prophetic vision." 9 Taurus is a "symbol of the promise which outer life offers to the pure in heart; of immortality through giving of self to the race." We are told it offers us the chance to create "inner happiness in dark hours" through sounding a counter-tone to harshness or barrenness in the outer world. Sounds like Tunisia before and during these events!
And no, Wilkinson is not implying that astrological forces caused the unrest or the revolution in the Mid-East, these were the energies in place at the time of the initial event in Tunisia. They could have been just as easily not acted upon. After all, Free Will is still the most important factor in human events. These energies are part of the Cardinal Crisis and Grand Irrationality, subtle planetary forces that have been around for several years now. This is simply his analysis of those energies at work in relation to recent events, through the event's ending in 2012. Remember, the forces that facillitate great change can also cause great instability. What we just witnessed were examples of both.. Welcome to the birth pangs of the Age of Aquarius!
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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