Oh, poor Andrew.. Such obsessive love! Such denial! His mind must be akin to living in a terrifying bile factory.. Excerpts:
An assistant attorney general for the state of Michigan has carried on a half-year-long campaign against the openly gay student assembly president of the University of Michigan. Among other actions targeting Chris Armstrong, Andrew Shirvell has posted images of Armstrong at a blog called Chris Armstrong watch and made a number of claims against Armstrong, including accusations that the young man has seduced fellow students in order to coax them into a "homosexual lifestyle," and that an orgy took place in Armstrong’s dorm room, reported CNN.com in a Sept. 29 article. Shirvell’s blog is maintained under the name "Concerned Michigan Alumnus," the article said.
The CNN.com article included a clip from news program Anderson Cooper 360. Shirvell appeared on the program on Sept. 28 to explain why he had spent so much time and energy "protesting" the college student.
Before broadcasting the interview, Cooper showed images taken from the blog, including one of Armstrong that had been written over with the word "Resign." A rainbow flag sporting a swastika had been added to the photo, with an arrow pointing from the flag to Armstrong.
Cooper reported that the blog called Armstrong a "privileged pervert," and accused him of "sexual escapades at churches and children’s playgrounds." The blog also referred to Armstrong as a "Nazi-like recruiter for the cult that is homosexuality," and accused the young man of being "racist and elitist to the core."
Here's the tell, babies..
The Detroit News also reported on the rebuke in a Sept. 16 article. The story said that Shervill had taken exception to a comment about "self discovery" that Armstrong had made, interpreting the remark as an attempt to push fellow students into same-sex encounters. "It is clear that Armstrong’s remarks constituted nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to cause sexually confused, and perhaps some impressionable, 17- and 18-year-olds to experiment sexually with members of their own gender," Shervill’s blog charged. (Projection, anyone?)
The blog also characterized Armstrong as "a viciously militant homosexual activist," (Blaming the external object forinternal fears - me)the article said. The blog also mentioned protesting Armstrong at events. Anderson Cooper said that Shervill had gone so far as to stand outside Armstrong’s residence and take video footage. Cooper also reported that Shervill had monitored Armstrong’s Facebook page and written about Armstrong’s friends and family members.
Prior to the broadcast of his interview with Shervill, Cooper told viewers, "This is a public figure, a grown-up, fixating on a 21-year-old college student, dedicating a blog to vilifying him, scouring his Facebook page, making unproven allegations."
"It appears, though, that you are obsessed with this young gay man," Cooper told Shirvell, before going on to cite the state of Michigan’s criminal code regarding cyber-stalking and cyber-bullying. Cooper asked Shirvell whether he fit the description of a cyber-bully, given the accusations he had posted online against Armstrong.
"No, I’m totally not--and that’s a totally mischaracterization," Shirvell responded.
"Do you consider yourself a bigot?" Cooper asked.
"Absolutely not," Shirvell replied. "I’m a Christian citizen exercising my First Amendment rights. I have no problem with the fact that Chris is a homosexual," added Shirvell. "I have a problem with the fact that he is advancing a very radical agenda."
"It seems like you hate this guy because he’s gay," Cooper said.
"Well, Anderson, that’s your spin on it," Shirvell replied. "The real bigot here is Chris Armstrong." (Again with the projection..)Shirvell went on to add, "He’s a political figure, Anderson." Shirvell cited his having graduated from the University of Michigan as a primary reason for his "protests" of Armstrong, telling Cooper, "I have a right as an alum and as a private citizen to criticize him in my after-hours work." (Weak, weakass excuse..)
The opposite of Love is not Hate, but Indifference. Astrologically, Hate is more of a 90 degree angle to Love. A twisted, obsessive Square of energy, if you will. Shirvell's year and a half, Year And A Half (Whoops! Look below..)crusade against one gay man, via blog, attacks on friends and family, demonstrating close to his home and videotaping his every move clearly details his.. devotion, to Mr. Armstrong.
It's all too much. There probably isn't one single moment, all day long, every SINGLE day, that Andrew Shrivell doesn't think about Chris Armstrong. Chris Armstrong consumes Andrew Shrivell's thoughts every moment, every minute, every day..
The demons involved here must be very powerful, indeed..
Whoops! I read a half year as a year and a half ! Still, a six month long "protest" is A While, not to mention busier(!) than my mistaken year and a half.. Brain fart: Sorry!
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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43 minutes ago
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