This catastrophe is beyond huge. If Florida or some other predominantly white, U.S. or U.K. aligned country were to disappear underwater, you KNOW there'd be a stink..
Make no mistake, in a year(so far..) filled with big-ass disasters, this one is Top 3, for sure, behind Haiti, and maybe more significant than the oil spill. Later, these floods may prove to be much deadlier than Haiti. Watch this video too. The intensity of this flood is really scary, as it's not only water coming at you, (the full force of this monster is really bad enough), but debris carried in this torrent(from completely scouring previously neighboring towns) is thick, sharp, dense, heavy, and mostly unseen. Sadly, many more people will die.
I'm shocked this isn't everyone's Top Story for weeks to come. Blago? 9/11 mosque vs. The First Amendment? Dina Lohan?
Pakistan is drowning and no one cares.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
16 minutes ago
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