Tick...tick...tick - Israeli Mistake, Confusion, and a chart. Excerpts:
..The issue is the July 11th break into 18 and a half hours of release language. George, and apparently others, are under the impression that some big 'thing' would happen on that date. This may well be the case, however, note that the release language (all the downward slanting lines in the charts below) continues all summer as punctuations to building tension. So the pattern from July 11th through to November 8th is one of building tension and then release of tension, almost on a daily basis. Note that this is the USUAL state of our charts for the planet. What is unusual is that we have been in a very long period of building tension for these past few months. What is also unusual is the 'tipping point' that is forecast to occur over 4 days in November from the 8th through the 11th inclusive. Then what is even more unusual is that the release language continues unabated, without deviation for over 2 months, from November 11th through to January 23rd.
So, knowing that the September 11th attacks on the money center of the planet by TPTB (we call this the 9/11 event), had a tipping point that lasted about 4 hours, followed by 12 hours of release language, before returning to building tension language as the planet tried to sort things out the next day, we can base our speculations on what may occur given the values that we have forecast for release and building tension language trends. .
..However, the recent and very large jump in magntitude of the language forecast for the 'israeli miske', sub set 'active war launch', is too much to ignore. So without regard as to how long it may take, or the many other ramifications, the data streaming in now suggests that the [israeli mistake] that leads to so much planetary misery is on, and likely soon.
Please note that the temporal markers along the way to the [active attack phase (of israeli mistake)] have all been met, and the largest, and closest to the actual manifestation of the [israeli mistake] was the [ranking general faux pas (mal mots)] that we have just seen fulfilled in these most recent news stories about Obama and his General McCrystal.
So my position has altered in that it is seeming more likely by the day that the [israeli mistake] is 'on' and soon. Many of the critical elements now in place are not able, from a military logistics view point, to be maintained for too long in place before their usefulness degrades below acceptable levels.....therefore, certain conclusions need to be drawn appropriately.
Short answer: Israel attacks Iran, and it will not end well.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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18 minutes ago
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