Meteor Showers Rocks on Midwestern Homes. Uh-Oh..
Sorry. RUH-ROH. (Scary excerpts-My emphasis in red)
The midnight sky flashed an eerie blue early Thursday over four Midwestern states as a meteorite exploded in the atmosphere, sending rocks as big as softballs crashing through some houses.
"`The sky lit up completely from horizon to horizon. We've seen lightning storms, but this was nothing like that,'' he said. ``A minute or so later the house started rumbling and we heard all these tiny particles hitting the house.''
Kenneth and Karen Barnes of Park Forest, Ill., told WGN-TV in Chicago they were sleeping when a 5-pound meteorite crashed into their living room. Thursday morning their son spotted a hole in the ceiling.
..He said the debris field appears to cover a path about 80 miles long by 20 miles wide from north of Bloomington, Ill., to Chicago's south side and possibly part of northwestern Indiana.
He said all of the pieces came from a stony meteorite he estimates was about the size of a Volkswagen bug when it exploded as it plunged into Earth's atmosphere.
What makes this significant? It looks like there were at least two.. Excerpt:
There are also unconfirmed reports of a possible impact near Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. That's about 2 hours north of the Quad Cities on the Mississippi River.
So, if this one did hit in Prarie du Chien, the Other Meteor that exploded in the atmosphere was Another Meteor.
Something seems to be agitating our little corner of the Solar System.. Volcanoes are erupting (or going to-again), we're receiving "Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy." rising ocean floors, still more earthquakes..
Revision: There might only be one meteor. The video here shows the meteor continuing on after the explosion, so Wisconsin might be the impact site for the (single) meteor. That being said, there is still major agitation planet wide, and off planet, and we seem to be experiencing an.. uptick.. System-wide.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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38 minutes ago
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