Aussie Cookbook Recalled After Recipe Includes 'Freshly Ground Black People'.. This was not a spellcheck program problem. This was most likely: A. Hacker, B. Prankster - In house, C. Disgruntled employee, or D. Industrial espionage smear campaign. These are not in order, just the strongest options.
As an aside, I'd like to show you a journalistic trick, that might have more of an effect on your life than you understand. Here's some text from the story.. "It is a tiny misprint, but an Australian publisher had to pulp a cookbook after one recipe called for "salt and freshly ground black people" to be added to the dish, AFP reported Saturday.
Penguin Group Australia pulped and reprinted about 7,000 copies of "Pasta Bible" after the typographical error was found in the ingredients for spelt tagliatelle with sardines and prosciutto, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.
Now, from that portion of article I could craft the headline "Bible Advocates Murder, Cannibalism." It is the Pasta Bible, and in order to get freshly ground black people for cannibalistic recipes, you must murder them first. Duh. Or I could think of another set of headlines only peripherally connected to the facts for the same type of Wow! Factor response.. It doesn't matter what I'd come up with and how damaging it might be to my targets (never mind how innocent or not they may be), I really can't be held liable, as it isn't against the law to lie when delivering the news.
It's important to know that the media can lie about the story and the headline, because even if you didn't read that particular story, you would read the headline to decide to read further. And, whether or not you realized it, that headline effected your worldview consciously for a few seconds, and subconsciously, until further notice.. Your worldview is then steered, shaped, and altered in four to ten word increments, which aren't necessarily true. And this has been happening for awhile now, and it's getting worse.
Bottom Line: Discernment is required. Knowledge of the trick diffuses some of the subliminal power. Think about what you read, and what you read over, as it might influence you more than you think.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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35 minutes ago
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