Majority Of Tea Party Group's Spending Went To GOP Firm That Created It. (This is the same link as below)
What? Republicans involved in a Massive Financial Corruption Scandal? I feel faint..
This is an email sent to George Ure(Urban Survival--Awesome site--check it):
Remember that I told you the web URLs's and "tea party" names and the strategy was set up a year earlier (mid 2008) by some old-line Republican Party operators?
Now the accounting is getting done, and guess what? Millions of dollars donated by righteously angry Tea Party suckers was spent on -- you guessed it -- paying the Republican consultants that set up the scam in the first place.
Here's the stuff on the Tea Party Express, who managed to siphon off over two thirds of the donations right back into their own pockets as "consultants" to the Tea Party "movement" Majority Of Tea Party Group's Spending Went To GOP Firm That Created It.
This blows away the petty crimes ACORN is accused of, and strangely enough, never has been convicted of.
George, it's time for you to get the joke:
They (the right/left parties of corpgov) are not equally guilty. One of our major political parties, (and just one) is an organized crime syndicate that murders American soldiers for profit and sets out with the intention of stealing as much as they can, as fast as they can from their fellow citizens.
The other one is a loosely associated bunch of people that includes quite a few shoplifters...."
It's great that you're concerned about the economic direction of this country. Just remember to be as aware as possible when assigning blame. Maybe blame those responsible for destroying our country's entire economic foundation. That process was greatly accelerated, oh, about November of 2000.. That's a little point in the right direction..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
12 minutes ago
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