Two disturbing articles on fame's latest Superstar To Emerge From Nowhere.. This One(or, more likely, the ones surrounding her) knows controversy and she knows marketing. Team GaGa really knows the power of the visual. And so much "coincidental" symbology to boot..
Watching these two videos back to back in context of that information does give me pause. I'm not sure which one is creepier.
All of these symbols and references might be random and they might be totally benign. But.. everything else about her career trajectory seems so choreographed, so well executed for maximum impact, I hardly believe anything regarding her persona to be "random," or "accidental."
I will, in the future, look very differently at Lady GaGa.
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
[image: Silly] [link] [3 comments]
11 minutes ago
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