Because of its timing, Sarah Palin's surprise resignation from the position of Alaska Governor was instantly suspicious. Called the "Friday afternoon news dump," crappy or Holy Crap! news is announced late in the day on any normal Friday. By doing this, there's a chance that whatever bad, inevitable announcements were made Friday will be forgotten by Monday. Then, when reporters follow up on Monday, spokesmen can claim that the story is "old news," and has "already been covered." The network news organizations shift their programming cycles Friday evening until early Monday from live news and programs to News Documentary and special programming, so any Friday would have been good, but the announcement before the Fourth of July holiday weekend will be, although suspicious as hell, the best Palin could do, and probably the most/last quiet she'll have for some time. You see, Sarah might be in some trouble..
Here's the Roundup:
Raw Story's got a pretty good overview here. An Idiot's perspective at Red State here. Did you know the media "ritualistically engage(s) in the metaphorical gang raping of conservative politicians, particularly those who are female and have children."? Hysterical metaphorical hyperbole, much? But dumb people seem to respond to that sort of thing, so I'm sure Red State and Fox News and The Weekly Standard won't be changing their story styles anytime soon.
Rumors had been circulating about Palin's potential ethical problems since before the election, and The Village Voice ran this article in early October, but the story didn't have "legs," and quickly cycled out. Or maybe it was just filed away, for use at another time.. But people still wrote about it.. Then, Vanity Fair's article came out last week, and shortly after, Palin's surprise, rambling resignation speech. And, by the way, elected officials aren't "lame ducks" in their first term, period. It's specific to second terms, or to a Governor or President whose party is in the legislative minority. Does this woman understand anything about political office?
This is not over, I'm sure. Maybe none of this is the real reason for Friday's quick turn of events. Only Palin knows for sure. And soon, we'll all know more. After all, Labor Day is seven weeks away..
A P.S.. Goro Adachi's scary theory on Palin, using his brand of "Synchronistic Mysticism," written last November. If he's right, God help us all..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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23 minutes ago
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